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My big fab Canadian Family

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The saying “you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family”  is true, but the older I get the more appreciative I am that I have the family that I do.   They have truly been here for me in good times and bad, and I KNOW I can count on them to help me, guide me, and protect me.  I am so fortunate.  I know I didn’t choose my family, but I don’t think I would want it any other way.  I’m lucky, the families that surround me,  G’s family and my best friend M’s family are amazing.  It really feels like I have so many more brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, cousins and even parents.  I am happy to grow old surrounded by loving, caring, and just over round great people.

Growing up, my brother G and I fought like cats and dogs.  We just didn’t get along, but I always knew if someone did me bad, or if I was in trouble he would always come to my rescue.  And now, we fight so much less, actually not really at all and I am so happy to say that I now know more then ever that I can count on him not only to ‘rescue’ me but to make me laugh and just be there to talk with.  I am so lucky that our relationship has grown from ‘brother and sister’ to friends.

My sister S has been amazing.  Although, she is so busy raising four children,  she has been SO supportive of me through this time.  She is helping me with my wedding planning, and actually went out and talked with travel representatives and brought me home wedding brochures.  She does all this, and in the meantime manages her Pampered Chef business.  What a super woman!

What can I say about my sister L?  She is my best-friend, and the love that I feel for her I can’t even explain.  She is the sweetest, most loving person alive.  Seriously.  As a single mom.  raising two teenagers, I understand that these times are hard but she is my boulder and being with her is like going to my special place.  I am so lucky to also call her my best friend.

How can I talk about family without talking about M?  She is as close as any friend can get.  She is my bosom friend, as Anne of Green Gables would sayan intimate friend, you know–a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul.”  M is all that and more, every day spent with her I cherish.  I love everything about her and especially her family.  The Royals, as I like to call them.   I don’t think there can possibly be any better people out there.  These are the kind of people you just want to always be around, they make you feel special and loved and just warm inside.

I never really understood my parents until I moved back home with them at age 30.  I was sad, so very sad and embarrassed but they welcomed me home with open arms.  They gave me the space I needed but surrounded me with strength and love.  Before this, I had only known them as ‘parents’ but later discovered they were my friends.  Now, I know they are frightened for me but they try no to let this show and they have been super supportive and loving.

I am so fortunate to have such amazing people in my life.  I know I don’t tell them how much I appreciate and love them nearly enough.  Family is SO important and I’m realizing this more and more each year.

3 Responses to “My big fab Canadian Family”

  1. Sandra Spicer says:

    What a wonderful, lovely thing to read.


  2. Princess Michee says:

    Ugh. You just fancy me for my family. Well, wee lass, i can live with that. xxoo

  3. Princess Michee says:

    Also, that last image is ridiculous.

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