
Cancer Schmancer…

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The power of dreams

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This has been both the most amazingly wonderful year of my entire life as well as the toughest.  So much has happened, I finally met the man of my dreams, got breast cancer,  doing fertility treatments and now…. getting married!  I’ve dreampt about this moment my entire life, and I know without a doubt in my mind that G is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.  Happily, he feels the same way (phew 😉 )!  I’ve always felt that it has been too easy with him, and well, too good to be true.  I actually, at times, thought that he could read my mind (still kind of do as he is so darn in tune to my feelings).  I never really believed it could be like this, I didn’t really believe it when people told me that they were totally in love with no doubts, until I met G.  I’m so happy that I let myself go with it, trust him (and us!)  and really…just love him.  He was worth the wait!


So… message to other people in relationships or single is that there is REAL love out there for everybody.  Personally, I don’t believe in ONE true love, I feel that we may have a few,  and that we can fall deeply in love with many people in our life time.  I feel that compatibility, trust and friendship makes the most difference in how things work out.  If I die, I would want G to be with someone else, and find a love that we had.  I know it would be hard for him cause I’m just so freakin’ awesome (lol) but I do want all the happiness for him and I know that he could find it.  Everybody can, if they let themselves.  I am just so, SO happy and amazed that I was lucky enough to meet him!


Don’t settle for just anybody and it shouldn’t be hard.  You shouldn’t have to really work on it.  I mean,  you have to show them that you care and do stuff together, but love should not be difficult.  It should feel right and be easy.  There will be fights, bickering, and such but you may feel stupid during it (or afterwords) and not at all worried that things will end.  Trust your heart, and your intuition and let your love grow ♥

One Response to “The power of dreams”

  1. Stacie says:

    Hi Mary, I love reading your blog. I am really happy for you and G!

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