I finally took initiative and called by-law on my next-door neighbour. Normally I’m not such a complainer but he has been driving me mad! He hammers on his shed a certain number of times and then returns into the house. When I say hammer, he pounds it like 10 times repetitively, and the sound echoes throughout all of the backyards. He does this no matter what time of day it is. So when he started again at 1am I had had enough. I haven’t heard him do it at all today. G’s plan was to engineer a clapper MacGyver’d to an air-horn so every time he banged the horn would sound, I’m not sure that would help matters but it would have been funny to see his expression the first time he hit it!
I think this is a riot!!
Your blog is so very well written!
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.