Yesterday was a long day. Was at the dingy old cancer center at the Civic at 7am for my port-a-cath insertion. The nurses and surgean were all very kind and funny. My nurse was able to insert the IV in my arm on the first try! That was a huge accomplishment because it usually takes over 4 times. Phew! Super nurse extraordinaire!
The surgery went well, they had trouble putting the port under my skin, so they had to make a few incisions in a few different places (I got my bandages changed today, so I was able to see the gory results). I’m feeling a bit of pain today. They also had to leave the needle and stupid tubes in for a week. I feel and look bad enough with thick bandages and stitch-marks and now I also have many tubes hanging from my collar bone as well! Sorry if I grossing people out, maybe TMI?
My Chemo was scheduled for 12:30pm at the new beautiful Cancer Center at the General and I was seated around 1pm. I had a little crying fit break down, walking to my bed. The nurse was really friendly and G asked if I could have a sedative. She said that wasn’t a problem, but I declined. I told her I would get it together. I pictured Orderly’s running over with a giant needle and a straight jacket, but luckily I was able to calm myself. I was talked over each step, and was hooked up to a saline IV at first. Next came my Taxotere and my cold (ice) mitts and slippers I had to also put nail polish on and hand cream on. These steps are to help decrease the chance of me losing all my nails, I really hope it works. The mitts and slippers were SO cold and quite uncomfortable and stayed on for over and hour. I had to change them twice when they warmed up. After that was done, I was onto my my next cocktail (I wish it was a Cosmo) but alas, it was Cyclophosphamide. I can’t even pronounce it. The nurse warned me that if my nose started to run or if I got sinus pressure she would slow the drip down. That happened but with only 3 minutes left, so they gave me two Benadryl when I was leaving. I felt perfectly fine otherwise, no nauseousness just a little drowsy. The nurse recommended that G take me to the car in a wheelchair but I told her I was fine to walk. She looked doubtfull, I guess I must have looked like crap!
Today, I’ve been feeling good. No headaches and no nausea. I feel quite a bit of pain from my port, and water tastes like chalk which I must say is not something that is yummy but it has all been doable. I’m in great spirits, and am so thankful for all the love and well-wishes from everybody. I am constantly amazed with all this support. I can’t tell you all enough how much it means to me! Thank-you so much, I love and appreciate you all 🙂
Glad the first bout is over with and now you have a better idea of what to expect. Thank you for explaining everything, I really had no idea what actually happened.
My brother has a permanent catheter coming hanging near his collar bone (used for dialysis) and I guess it is something you just get used to. I think the seat belt bugs him sometimes.
Glad your spirits seem to be as bright as your smile!
I’m sorry if the post was insensitive about your brother and his cath. I wasn’t thinking, and just annoyed with the look and feel of it. I’m sure I’ll get use to it in no-time! My spirits are up because I have loving friends like you that help me through this, thank you! xxx
Glad everything went well yesterday beautiful!!! I am saying prayers for you. Lots of love!!
Thank you so much for your love and support, miss you oodles!
Whew! I’ve been holding my breath and am so glad you filled us all in on this first round. I’ve been through this with several friends but it is different with each individual.
Your Spirit is so bright. You are amazing.
Your cousin Alexa isn’t doing well with her meningitis and I’m worried sick about her. Also my friend Bill isn’t bouncing back well from an abdominal operation this summer. So you all have prayers coming from many people.They will continue.
Connie, you are truly amazing and so caring. Thank you so much for keeping me in thoughts and prayers. I can’t wait to get better so I can take a trip out and visit you. It has been WAY to long and I miss you and have always loved our conversations and you of course! I am thinking of and sending healing vibes and prayers to Alexa, it is so scary about the meningitis. I really pray that she and your friend Bill recovers quickly and completely!
Love you lots 🙂
Thanks soo much Mary! You have always been a beam of Sunshine and it is amazing to me that you can still be this while going through so much. You will continue to inspire many people, especially the many students whose lives you will continue to touch in such a beautiful way.
I very much look forward to you and G visiting me here in wonderful Concord! Time is flying so fast so it will be no time at all that you’ll be able to travel and get back to all that you love so, including reaching the hearts and minds of your students.
Thanks for keeping Alexa and Bill in your prayers. Alexa is NOT in good shape sadly. She may be going blind and she still has meningitis.She is on academic leave from BU where she is a professor and Dept Head. Bill is also on academic leave for the next semester from St. Paul’s School and CCMS.They worry me a lot. Isabel is helping her sister a lot. And her husband, Ken is a saint!The big boys are helping a lot too.
Much Love to you!!!
Mary, I remember our DSW days together and always can remember somebody who always took the time to chat with me and get to know me. You are a beautiful person, both inside and out, your positive attitude towards all this is helping you to stay cheery! Just remember, we all love you and are thinking about you everyday. You are a beautiful person and I think about you daily. 🙂 Lots of love!