
Cancer Schmancer…

You won't keep me down
Breast Cancer Ribbon

Knowledge is power

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I am so itchy, I just want to scratch my stitches off but I can’t even get near them with these stupid bandages. Argh.  I found out two things, these past few days since my surgery.  I don’t do well with drugs and that G makes an amazing nurse.  He helped wash my hair and then changed my horribly disgusting bandages.  He watched over me when I was SO sick over the Oxycontin’s and he has fed me and comforted me.  Wow, he is so amazing!

My cat, BouBou keeps sleeping on me and sniffing me, which is kind of freaking me out but G says it’s because he smells the blood and senses my pain.  My other cat Hugo is still the same… wild and crazy.  He still stares at and tries to climb the walls, and attack imaginary objects or ghosts.  He runs around the house like he’s on fire and meows at the ceiling.  He wants my attention more when he sees BouBou getting love. But I love all my pets, well maybe not Jade the tarantula as much.  G says that I can cuddle with her too, but I always decline.  I wouldn’t want to smush her 😉

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how and why I have (had) cancer.  I know now that I’m going to change a lot of things that I did before.  No more plastic water bottles that is for sure.  I’m looking to buy a glass or stainless steel water jug for my water cooler but finding one in or around Ottawa is nearly impossible.  This one is perfect, but it is only available in Toronto Can anyone recommend where else closer I can find one?  I’ve also decided that no more processed food for me, will try to eat hormone and antibiotic free meats, and really read and research the ingredients of all packaged foods . G and I were also talking about cutting down (to 1 or 2 times a month) on red meat.  I’ve been reading a friends blog who’s been through the same thing, and love the changes she has made and feel like I should (and could) do the same.  Natural toxin free cleaners, cosmetics, and real food. Why does it take something like this to make healthy choices?

I’m unsure if this will change anything related to my cancer as no one really knows entirely what causes it but I do know that these changes will benefit my health as well as G’s.  He is worried that I will go overboard and become obsessed.  I’m not.  I will just become more knowledgeable and there is nothing more powerful than that.



2 Responses to “Knowledge is power”

  1. Kanta Connie B. says:

    This is a great post, Mary. I am so glad that you are looking at other ways to eat. As you perhaps remember, many people including several family members thought I was a raving nutcase to eat the way I did and to grow my own organic veggies, etc.. I have been principally vegetarian, except when at friends’ houses when they serve chicken, for many years. I haven’t had red or other meat for at least 30 or more years. And at 74 I can run circles around most of the people I know who are half my age!
    My heart attack last year was caused by stress. Caring for Mom and my “adopted sister” ( for that was what she was to me,) was extremely stressful as they were both physically and mentally ill. My doctor, bless his heart, knew the circumstances of my life with them and was very supportive, knowing I was going this alone.
    I am SO glad you are looking at healthier ways to live.And your beloved G seems to be an amazing man. I am very happy for you.
    Love,Your “old” Aunt, Connie (better known as Kanta to my friends

  2. Lesley guigue says:

    Mary, there is a small company based out of Quebec started by a family, called (I think) Life Without Plastics…you should google it, if you have trouble finding it, let me know. I can find it, I ordered from them…they have sooo many stainless steel options!

    Thank you for sharing this fabulous blog, i am thinking of you! : )

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