
Cancer Schmancer…

You won't keep me down
Breast Cancer Ribbon

Archive for the ‘Misc.’ Category


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All right, this is my bitchfest spew of the week. Before this entire cancer nightmare, G and I had hour-long deep conversations about our zombie society.  We talked about religion, life after death (or no life) and how almost everybody is asleep.  We talked about how people live each day in and day out without thinking, without dreaming, without happiness, without even really seeing.  I’ve seen so many people just wake up, go to work, have dinner, watch tv, and then sleep.  Talk about autopilot. There is no excitement, no challenge, no change.  Most people don’t even remember much of their years.  YEARS!   I’ve been there.  Completely, and some days I’m still there.  I know I have to shake myself sometimes.  I have to wake myself up, because there really is a beautiful world out there, an exciting and wonderful life all around us, just waiting for us to wake up, grab it and make it our own.


Is that cancer I smell?

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My best friend M just friended this Sheep on Facebook.  His name is Alfie, and he helped diagnose his owner with breast cancer.  Apparently he kept head-butting her in the chest repetitively one day and she developed a large bruise, which turned into a lump.  She (the owner, not the sheep) went in to get the lump examined and they found breast cancer.  To read more about the story, click here: My pet sheep saved my life


The clapper

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Father’s day message

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A friend posted this article on Facebook.  I thought it was awesome and well said.

A father\’s day wish: Dads, wake the hell up!

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