
Cancer Schmancer…

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Planes and Documentaries

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It’s only been a few days of being bald, but I must say that is all it took for me to adapt.  I was very sad the first night and day after.  Very sad.  But than it hit me, it really is just hair!  It is a small price to pay for my life.  And really, losing my hair means that the Chemo is working!  It is doing its job, and I really should be concentrating on that.

I like my wigs.  I also love this weather, which is PERFECT for hats over wigs cause I  am still not completely confident about my hair line.   This weather is amazing!  I love the cold breeze, and fresh air.  G is flying his remote control plane a lot and now has a following.  About 6 boys always run to the park and talk with us and are always just so excited to see G fly.  It is so cute, they have recently been bringing their own wooden and paper planes to fly with him.  G will make a great father one day!

G and I are watching a lot of documentaries recently, mostly from a series called ‘50 Documentaries to See Before You Die“.  There are 5 episodes that summarize the top 50.  I really recommend watching this series, and than choosing some docs to watch!  Some really open your eyes to what is happening, new information, and what life is all about.

6 Responses to “Planes and Documentaries”

  1. April says:

    Beautiful Mary, you are simply beautiful.

  2. lisa says:

    Mary, you are bald and beautiful! Seriously, you wear it well. Sinead O’Connor would be jealous! 🙂 Really enjoying your blog.

  3. eRnA says:

    …a chance to empathize with the male population?? 🙂

  4. Stacie says:

    As if I almost missed this entry! Good thing I went to your homepage. You look great Mary and glad you are having fun with the wigs, hats and beads.

  5. Sandra Spicer says:

    Love the Far Side comic you put on your blog. My attention span seems really short lately, is there a list of 50 TV Ads You Should See Before You Die?

  6. Celine says:

    I know you don’t want to be bald but that is an awesome picture- I love it!!

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